Beginners Spread
A 3-card spread using the Angels and Ancestors Oracle Deck. This reading will provide you with some insight regarding your spirit guides, angels and animal guides who are supporting you. Also, this reading will provide you with clarity on what you're currently facing.
Romance Spread
A 3-card spread using The Romance Angels Oracle deck. This will provide you with the past, present and future messages about your romantic situation. The messages from these cards operate alongside the infallible Law of Attraction.
Animal Spirit
A 3-6 card spread using The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit deck. This reading will give you a boost of guidance, and uplifting messages to help you with the questions you might have about an unresolved issue, inspiration you might be needing, or help making a big decision.
The Psychic Tarot Spread
A 5-6 card spread using The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck. This spread will provide you with the oracle messages you need to help focus your mind and provide guidance. This spread usually includes 1 Chakra Card, that comes with a detailed explanation to help you balance your body, mind and spiritual well-being.
Angels and Ancestors Reading: Past Life Reading
A 7-card spread that was created to help you understand any energies you are holding onto from past lives, that can help you with the lessons you are moving through in this life. The Sacred Ones and Characters can reveal aspects of your previous lives or give you an idea of the nations or tribes of which you have been a part of.
Celtic Cross Reading
The Celtic Cross Tarot Spread is one of the most common spreads. This spread consists of 10 cards to start and will incorporate multiple traditional tarot decks to clarify your specific message. Find out more about your dreams, hopes, fears and much more. For a detailed explanation on this spread, click here.
Full Tarot Reading
This reading includes all of the aforementioned tarot decks. You will receive a full Celtic cross spread reading with the additional clarifying cards for a more detailed reading. For more on this reading, reach out via email with your questions.
Spread Descriptions Coming Soon!
Akashic Records - Past Life descriptions and more!
This spread is currently available. Pricing and Descriptions can be sent upon request.